Architectural Control Form

The Villas Homeowners Association Architectural

Review Application


To expedite applications, please submit at least 10 days prior to any scheduled monthly Board meeting. The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) will review all applications for completeness and to ensure the request meets *HOA approved Design Standards and Policies, as well as any covenants or use restrictions in the recorded Declaration. The ACC will then make its recommendation to the Board. The property owner will be notified when the request is placed on the Board meeting Agenda and is encouraged to attend the relevant meeting.


*Refer to Master Paint Colors, Tree Policy, Covenants  Available on the Villas HOA website:


By submitting this application, I agree to all of the following:


I understand and agree to the following:

That approval by the Villas HOA Board shall in no way be construed as to pass judgment on the correctness of the location, structural design, suitability of water flow or drainage, location of utilities or other qualities of the proposed project.


That it is my responsibility and obligation to obtain all required building permits and to construct the improvements in conformance with all applicable building and zoning codes.


That it is my responsibility and obligation to ensure that modifications are only made within the confines of my property and may not conflict with any recorded easements, including sight distance easements and that I am solely responsible to ascertain the location of such property lines and easements.


That any modifications to the property from its’ original design will become MY financial responsibility if the HOA approves this request. 


I DO understand this if and when the HOA Board of Directors approves it.


The Application must include the following: 

◆ Color photos showing proposed project location 
◆ Material sample (if available), product brochure, or color photo 
◆ Drawing of proposed project 
◆ Any relevant relationship to existing structures   


Incomplete applications will be returned.


ACC Application Request


Use this form for any requests that may need ACC and/or Board approval

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